Sunday, September 30, 2012

List of NFA's licenced grains retailer in Guimba Public Market with code number

NFA logo - Trusted Rice Grains Dealers - Guimba 

 Rice Grains - Trusted Rice Grains Dealers - Guimba

Rice Dealers here in the Philippines commonly have licenced by  National Food Authority (NFA) Philippines. For us rice consumers, it is very important to know the list of those Rice Stores that do have the said licenced. For every rice consumers in guimba, I've conducted my research on Guimba Public Market and I've come up with the list. 

I have listed here the Rice Stores that has licenced from NFA Philippines and I'm trying to be informative about this one. I have conducted my research and it is limited at Guimba Public Market only. of rice stores that were selling. The rice dealers that were on the list were the most trusted rice store to buy rice grains from the NFA Philippines.  

  • Rosalie 'Belen' Rice Store                      -                       CN : 0349-1-10104
  • George and Gina Rice Store                  -                       CN : 0349-1-12438
  • Brent Rice Store                                    -                       CN : 0349-1-14832
  • Mateo's Rice Store                                -                       CN : 0349-1-11254
  • J.U. Rivera' Rice Store                          -                       CN : 0349-1-13985
  • Allyssa's Rice Store                               -                       CN : 0349-1-13590
  • Jing Adam - Rice Store                         -                       CN : 0349-1-14545

After you've seen the list, you should grab your pen and write it down to your memos for best rice shopping. Stay tuned for more Topics about Trusted Rice Grains Dealers at Guimba. Time for your comments and suggestions people. Thanks!

The Legend - Rosalie 'Belen' Rice Store

Belen Rice Store - Trusted Rice Grains Dealers - Guimba

Belen Rice Store - Trusted Rice Grains Dealers - Guimba

Belen Rice Store - Trusted Rice Grains Dealers - Guimba

The Rosalie 'Belen' Rice Store is owned by Mrs. Rosalie Miranda - Sta. Ana. This rice store is considered as one of the most popular rice store in the Guimba Public Market so far because they were trusted by consumers for a very long time for about 16 or 17 years said Mrs. Belen. Mrs. Rosalie is a graduate of Accountancy at Wesleyan University Philippines, Cabanatuan. After working at a bank, she decided to practice her learnings and apply it to business, that's why Belen Rice Store in Guimba exists and no doubt it is a succes! This rice store is located in front of the John Paul's Bakery and Near Conching's Grocery and to the The Generics Pharmacy - Guimba. Of course, asking the rice varieties they sell and thier prices is one of my main purpose of interviewing the owner. So withourt further a do, here's the list.

Rice Varieties
Retail Price
Wholesale Price
Super Angelica
Sinandomeng - 216
Retail Only
C-18, R-64
NFA rice

Hope this post guide you for better canvassing and choosing the best rice store. Enjoy Rice Shopping! Always stay tuned and you can follow this blog. Now time for your comments and suggestions. Thanks!