Monday, October 1, 2012

Some consumer guides in choosing the best Rice Store

Idea - Trusted Rice Grains Dealers - Guimba

Rice is one of our main food here in the Philippines. We Filipinos normally consume rice when we eat our breakfast, lunch and dinner. We eat rice for healthy lifestyle so it is important to know where we can buy rice grains that we will cook and eat on possible nearest stores on our site.

Based on my experiences, at first, consumers and sellers don't have a deeper personal connections with each other. But later on their everyday transactions each will gain trust of each other. Trust is the key! Sales talk is something that done by a particular person that is persuading to be able to persuade one to do or believe something. It is proven that sales talk is very important to every organization when advertising their products to attract more clients. Even if there are no personal connections with each other, sales talk can help the people who persuade to gain trust of the customer or clients, remember trust is the key. 

Many rice stores in Guimba gain trust of their clients by different ways also. For example, they gain trust of their customers because of their services offered like when their weighing scales are on its proper functionality. Proper functionality of Rice Stores' weighing scales matters a lot to customers! Logically, it can gain more trust to customers. It is the responsibility of the seller to check if their weighing scales are on its right functionality but it is also our responsibility as a customer to check it also so that we can know if that rice store is doing malicious acts on us.

Price of the rice also matters a lot for us consumers. Many Filipinos are stingy or 'kuripot' so price does matter. I personally advice you to conduct a canvass at different rice stores first so that you'll know the best and affordable price for your desired rice grains. But as we know, when consumer and sellers have a deeper personal connections with each other, the price becomes low compared to the normal price in the market. For us customers, we choose the right store to give our precious loyalty to them, and when that loyalty of us were recognized by that particular rice store, they'll eventually give us more discounts of their products. 

Bottom line, give your loyalty to the store that always give you the best services they have since you've became one of their customers, to the rice store that impose a little amount of price to their products, to the rice store that knows your rights being a customer, and more importantly to the rice store that will never cheat on you.

That will be all for now, hope you gain knowledge from this post so that you can buy the best rice where that rice is twice as nice for the price. :)

Now time for your comments and suggestions.

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